Sexual Health

Everything you need to know about emergency contraceptive pill

2 Mins read

“Did you take an emergency contraceptive?” This one sentence sends us on a roller-coaster ride of doubts, fear, questions and a lot more. Women around the world often go through this situation however they seldom have all the answers.

emergency contraceptives
Source: VeryWell Mind

An unplanned pregnancy makes the best of your plans fall apart. Having sex with protection on is the best form of contraception. However, circumstances may occur which are beyond your control. At such times, an emergency contraceptive pill is your best bet to avoid the unknown. There’s always a plan B and the quicker you act, the better.

Emergency contraceptive pills inject hormones into our system which then interact with the hormones present in our body to prevent pregnancy. 

There’s a lot of stigma around the use of contraceptives but most of them are just myths. For this reason, we held a QnA session with our #NuaWomen to clear the clouds of doubt around emergency contraceptive pills.

Keep a pen and a notebook handy because you will definitely want to make notes:

Is time an important factor?
emergency contraceptives - time

ABSOLUTELY! The sooner you act, the better it’ll be. Generally, over-the-counter EC pills must be taken within 72 hours for them to be effective.

emergency contraceptives and fertility
emergency contraceptives and period cycle
Is emergency contraception same as an abortion pill?
emergency contraceptives v/s abortion pill

No. The former prevents pregnancy, while the latter is consumed after a woman has conceived. If you’re well within the 72-hour period and are not sure about the protection used, consume an emergency contraceptive pill, but only after consultation. If you’ve missed your period after sexual intercourse and it’s been over 72-hours, kindly get in touch with a gynaecologist.

Keep emergency contraceptives handy!
keep emergency contraceptives handy

If you enjoy an active sex life, don’t wait for the encounter to happen. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, the 72-hour period can get you panicking. Purchase these over-the-counter pills before-hand and carry them with you. (Of course, using protection must be number #1 on your list)

Will there be a problem in the future if one uses birth control pills?

Emergency contraceptives have not gained popularity because of this fear. Contrary to the popular myth, birth control pills do not have an impact on your future ability to give birth. Once you get off the pill, the ability to reproduce is restored. However, to understand which pill works for you, you must visit a gynaecologist before you start taking it.

Does it affect the period cycle? What are the side effects? 

Anything that disturbs your hormonal balance might have short term effects on the functioning of your body. Besides that, the extent of the effect differs based on one’s body mechanism. We suggest you visit a gynaecologist for more detailed information on this.

How often can I consume emergency contraceptive pills? 
emergency contraceptives - how to

This is a very subjective question and differs from person to person. Different people have different body mechanisms that deal with the effects of pills differently. However, emergency pills shouldn’t be consumed regularly. They should be your last resort. Hands down, using a condom is the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

You can read about more birth control options here –

We hope we’ve cleared your doubts about emergency contraceptive pills. If there’s anything else you’d like to know, kindly send us a message or leave a comment. Most importantly, do not hesitate to consult with a gynaecologist.

Team Nua
186 posts

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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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