Period stories from around the world!
MenstruationReal Stories

Period stories from around the world!

1 Mins read

Periods are a subject of taboo around the world. We’ve curated a bunch of period stories (horror period stories, embarrassing ones as well as funny ones) from different parts of the world to give you a sneak peek into the menstrual culture around the globe:

Karachi, Pakistan:
Period Menstruation Stories

“There’s two sides of the spectrum in Karachi. The first involves a funny period story with a guy. My boss at work once injured her leg really badly. Her staff comprised 40 men who ran helter-skelter to find her a band-aid. Finally, one man emerged with a pad in his hand. My boss was so taken aback, all she could say was “Ye bohot bada hai” (This is too big). At the same time, if you go buy sanitary pads from the chemist, they’ll put it in a brown paper bag for you. If you refuse to take it, they’ll run behind you and make sure you do!”

Tokyo, Japan:

Period Tokyo Japan“We take our sushi making very seriously! This period story is from the time when I was once at a family get together. I had a bad stomach ache because of my period. I went into the kitchen to help out with the sushi making. My aunt (head chef of the family kitchen) ran to me, held my hands and said, “You can’t be here! The sushi won’t taste good if you make it” I was offended but forgave my old aunt. It was also fun to sit back and do nothing, I guess!”

Abu Dhabi, UAE:

“You would think it’s quite a hush-hush topic but in my school, we spoke about periods very openly. We were taught how to wear a pad. If someone needed a pad, they would stand up and ask for it in front of everyone else. Our teachers would even keep some in the classroom cupboard. I think this makes me feel quite open about talking about menstruation till date”

Have more period stories to share with us? Leave them in the comments section below!

Team Nua
186 posts

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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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