sex education information
Sexual Health

Sex education horror stories

2 Mins read

For a lot of us, the only sex education in schools we ever received was not to have sex at all. Then, out of sheer panic and the need to say it, we’re told by our high school teachers that if we ever do have sex, we must use protection.

So many absolutely essential questions remained unanswered.

With parents, they always want to be the first one that their child turns to with questions. They want to be the person to give their child “the talk”. However, they often feel ashamed to have “the talk.” The lack of proper sex education sessions from both schools and at home turns into a deadly combination of awkwardness and confusion towards sex.

Sex is as much part of being human as other basic needs like hunger. There is no reason to call it by a different name, let alone not talk about it at all. It’s down to this hush-hush mentality towards sex that we don’t talk enough about intercourse, sexual health, sexually contracted diseases, protection and a range of other issues.

sex education
Source: CheezBurger

Not only does this leave a lot of questions unanswered, but it also makes people resort to getting information from unreliable sources, thereby believing in age-old myths about sex.
Seems like our schools have definitely failed us when it comes to sex ed! So how do you have the talk?

  1. Before the talk that children are given in school, it’s essential for parents to address sex and sexual health along with open dialogue about menstruation. This will allow a child to feel comfortable whilst talking to his or her parents about sex.
  2. Even young children should understand the concept of consent. For sex education, try to have the talk with your child at least before they become teenagers. With daughters, you might want to start earlier since they might start menstruating earlier.
  3. A sex education session should cover not only the physical aspects, but it should also address the emotional and social aspects of sex. Topics like consent, being ready, how to have sex, safe sex practices, contraception, etc. is all as important as explaining where babies come from.

As per YouthKiAwaaz, India’s rate of teenage pregnancy is 62 out of every 1000 women. This number is startling, to begin with. This number alone tells us why sex education is the need of the hour and why it doesn’t have to wait till children turn 18. It all begins with an open dialogue. So let’s have it. Sex education doesn’t stop at telling women about their period. Addressing sex is extremely important. Speaking about contraception is an absolute essential.

We’re sure you have tonnes of questions regarding sex, contraception, sexual health, etc. We’re always here to answer any questions that you might have. Comment away, ladies!

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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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