Mind+Matter: Rakshabandhan
MenstruationPeriods and PMSReal Stories

Mind+Matter: The Rakshabandhan Special

1 Mins read

A sibling bond is unlike any other! This Rakshabandhan, we’re exploring just how deep that bond can really be. For a very special edition of Mind+Matter, Team Nua member Nishkarsh joined his sister Miteeksha to talk about their experiences growing up, how they became close over the years, when did they have the period talk and the aspect of protection for Rakshabandhan in 2022.

With being the older sibling, Miteeksha feels a bit differently on the topic. “I know that I’m very protective of you, not just because I’m the older sister but I’m also emotionally protective too. We’ve always had each other’s backs. Plus, with your help, I was able to set up my online home baking business!”

Speaking of help, Nishkarsh recalls how he learned about making sure his sister was treated with care during her periods. “I remember being informed by my friends and classmates about it first. We didn’t really talk about it at home but when we did, I knew some things but not all the details. Once I did, I tried to make sure she was comfortable and help in any way I could. I think at this point, we’ve created a bond of protection that’s more than just thinking about it on Rakshabandhan”.

But that was not all! At the end of the conversation, Nishkarsh revealed a gift for his sister that will make sure she’s always comfortable, especially during her period.

Curious to see what it was? Watch the entire conversation here:

At Nua, we are constantly trying to create conversation and dialogues around periods to normalise the talk. Tell us about your experience in the comment section below and if the voices resonate with you.

Team Nua
186 posts

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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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