Many people around the world have experienced dry skin in their lives. It is a condition that occurs when your skin doesn’t retain enough moisture to keep itself hydrated. For some it could be their skin type, while for others it can happen due to living in a cold climate, certain medical conditions, or the continued usage of harsh products on the face and body.
If you have a dry skin type, you may frequently notice and experience dry, itchy, and irritated skin on your face. The water content of the epidermis, i.e. the outermost layer of the skin, tends to reflect the level of humidity in the air. That’s why most people in humid climates have a combination or oily skin type. Fortunately, one simple and effective solution to keep your skin hydrated and away from clogged pores is the regular use of a moisturizer.
A moisturizer that rehydrates the top layer of skin cells is the first step in combating dry skin effectively. Look for formulas that have hydrating humectants which help attract moisture. These include ceramides, glycerin, sorbitol, and hyaluronic acid, to name a few.
While moisturisers are great, there are more ways to fight dry skin, starting with hygiene. Your showers need to be between 5-10 minutes and cleanse your skin with soap-free cleansers and lukewarm water. This will protect your skin from being stripped of its natural oils. Avoid over-exfoliation that can disturb the skin’s natural pH balance, causing you to develop dry skin quicker.
Fragrance-free detergents are great for keeping irritation away across your body. A laundry detergent combined with fabrics such as wool can cause intense itching. While the itch to scratch provides temporary relief, you should avoid it as it damages the epidermis.
Most people need to manage dry skin at some point. These tips for keeping skin soft and healthy can help all who battle dry skin, either in their daily lives or when the need to treat it arises.