Whether you let it grow or get it removed, what you choose to do with your body hair is entirely your choice. But if waxing is your thing, there are many suggestions shared with you about waxing on your period. ‘Can you get a wax while on your period‘ is a question we’ve all either been asked or have been asking others.
Can you get a wax while on your period?
Contrary to popular beliefs, you can get waxed on your period! There are just a few things you need to keep in mind when waxing on your period to have a better experience, for yourself and your skin.
Can waxing on your period affect your skin?
During your period your skin is at its most sensitive. As this hormonal imbalance makes our skin so reactive and sensitive it makes the waxing experience even more painful. From underarms to legs and a Brazilian, you can go for a wax but the chances of skin sensitivity is high.
You may also want to let your beautician know you’re on your period, so they’ll know what to expect and be as gentle as possible on you. Many women do prefer to skip out on waxing during this time but if you’re in a pinch, it’s an option you can opt for.
How can you manage the pain ?
If you’ve got a low pain threshold, you might want to move your appointment to when you’re not on your period to save yourself from pain. If your pain threshold is more manageable but without an estimate, you could take a mild painkiller half an hour before your appointment to keep the pain to a minimum.
Can you get a wax when on your period with a pad?
Waxing on your period can mean you need to ditch those sanitary pads. While you’re absolutely fine to get a wax on your period, it’s better to use a tampon or menstrual cup instead to maintain hygiene and sanitation for the beautician and yourself.
Make sure to change your tampon or clean out your menstrual cup right before to minimise the risk of leaks during the appointment.

Waxing on your period is not possible for everyone. It’s all based on how much pain you can manage, if your skin can take the additional sensitivity and a few more factors. The most important thing is to listen to your body and take a call. Afterall, it’s you that has to experience it!