A poem for November

A poem for November

1 Mins read

November is here

A new month

Full of festivities

Celebrations and cheer!

Bright dupattas, sweets galore

And homes beautifully lit;

If it’s that time of the month

An extra piece, we’ll sneakily admit!

Card games, dance, music

And meals with loved ones –

Not allowed at the dinner table?

Is that also for the sons?

Togetherness and laughter

Two things we adore

Oh! There’s that stomach ache

Something warm can be the cure!

Now happy crampers, you and I

Enjoying the nip in the air

With stories, experiences

And secrets to share.

Sharana Jhangiani
15 posts

About author
Sharana looks after Nua's content and community team. She loves traveling, learning new dance forms, and is obsessed with wildlife, particularly elephants. On most Sundays, you can find her with her nose in a book at Kala Ghoda Cafe in Mumbai. She is also a self-proclaimed storyteller, but most people want her to stop talking.
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