How Nua women use Cramp Comfort
Physical HealthWellness

How Nua women use Cramp Comfort

1 Mins read

Doesn’t it feel great when there is one easy solution to all your problems? Be it a back ache, shoulder pain, neck pain, and of course, period pain, Nua’s Cramp Comfort seems to have become the go-to solution for comfort.

We spoke to some Nua women and it turns out that Cramp Comfort, while acting as the perfect relief from period pain, can be quite soothing for any type of pain.

Here’s what they have to say:

Radhika: My mum’s been using it for her lower back pain. Whenever it pains, she applies it and continues to do her daily chores at home. She is quite satisfied with it.

Nihitha: It starts hurting due to my poor posture while working. I use the Cramp Comfort to relieve the pain on my lower back.

Tanushree: I have used it on my shoulder and the lower part of the neck. I get neck pains very often which spread to my shoulders, so heat has helped me lessen the pain.

Using the heat patch made me realize that heat can actually help reduce the pain. I have most often used them during work, and it has allowed me to focus better, with some comfort.

Sharana: I’m currently using it on my knee – I pulled a muscle somehow – and it’s quite soothing.

Rachana: I use it for my neck pain. My mom and dad have used it for lower back and thumb pain.

Colleen: Since we are working from home, and we tend to work on our laptops more, because of this, neck and shoulder pain is inevitable. I do basic shoulder and neck exercises to loosen the muscles and to seal the deal, I stick the heat patch on my clothing and it feels much better even in the summer.

I also use the inner contents of the pack and use it as fertilizer for my plants, especially my cactus as the “soil” has a sandy texture. It is diluted with water or I mix general soil with it and pot it in.

Do you have any such story with the Cramp Comfort that you would like to share with us? Tell us in the comment section below. We are eager to know how our heat patch helped make your life a bit more comfortable. Get your pack right here.

Barnana Sarkar
33 posts

About author
Barnana worked with Nua in 2020 and 2021. She likes to time herself while reading and spends most of her evenings walking around the city, clicking pictures. She loves to watch old movies and has a habit of cutting out newspaper articles "just for decoration".
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