A graphical drawing of the back of a girl's head with a computer screen in front of her as she watches a demonstration of how to use tampons
MenstruationPeriods and IVaginal Health

How To Use Tampons: A Beginner’s Guide

4 Mins read

Tampons were first introduced to many of us as swimwear-friendly period care. But there’s so much more to them, which you’ll learn as you read on. 

They can be a game-changer for your period experience, but they come with a learning curve. Don’t worry—we’ve all been there, fumbling with the applicator and Googling questions like “How to use a tampon for the first time” or “Is this normal?”

Here’s everything you need to know about tampons: no fluff, just facts.

What Are Tampons and How Do They Work?

A tampon is a small, absorbent cylinder made to be inserted into the vagina to soak up menstrual blood. It’s compact, discreet, and—once you get used to it—a total period hero. Unlike a pad that sits in your underwear, a menstrual tampon is worn internally, giving you the freedom to move, swim, or rock that cute outfit without worrying about visible lines or wadding.

Why Choose a Tampon Over a Pad?

Choosing between a tampon or pad depends on personal preference, but tampons offer benefits you might not want to miss. For starters, they’re fantastic for an active lifestyle—whether you’re doing yoga, swimming, or some form of cardio where you don’t want the bulk of a pad. 

They’re also a great way to avoid the friction burns or chaffing some pads cause. If you’re wearing tight jeans or yoga pants where the impressions of a pad might show through the material, or you’re rocking a skirt or dress and are afraid of flashing the wings of your pad – a tampon might just be what you’re looking for.

They’re easy to carry, and sometimes, once inserted, you may feel like you’re not even on your period. 

Looking for a step-by-step tampon insertion guide? Keep reading for more tampon tips for beginners.

How to Use Tampons?

Learning how to use a tampon is like riding a bike: tricky at first, but second nature once you’ve got it. So let’s get down and dirty!

Pick the right absorbency: Start with a light or regular tampon to get comfortable and move up sizes based on your flow and familiarity. Nua’s EaseFit Tampons are available in Regular, Super, and Super Plus, so you can choose the absorbency level that works best for your unique flow.

Decide on an applicator or non-applicator tampon: Non-applicator tampons are more compact, eco-friendly and require you to position them manually. This isn’t difficult to do, and it can help you get comfortable with your own genitals. Meanwhile, applicators, typically made of plastic or cardboard, help guide the tampon into place. Choose what feels right for you.

Wash your hands: Always begin with clean hands to avoid introducing bacteria into your lady bits.

Get comfy: Sit on the toilet, stand with one foot on the edge of the tub, or squat slightly. The aim is to feel relaxed but also have full access to your vagina.

Insert the tampon: Position the tampon at the opening of your vagina and use your finger to gently push it in, angling toward your lower back. Push until the tampon feels secure and you can’t feel it anymore.

If you’re using an applicator, hold it at the grip and gently guide it into your vagina, aiming toward your lower back. Use the plunger of the applicator to slide the tampon into place. Then, remove the applicator.

Check the string: Make sure enough of the string is outside your body for easy removal later.

Change every 6-8 hours: Bacteria can grow in your vagina when tampons are left in too long. This can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), a serious health condition. So make sure you don’t leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours. 

Are Tampons One-Size-Fits-All?

No. Just like jeans, tampons come in various sizes and styles. Whether you prefer a slim, light tampon for the last day of your period or a super-plus for heavy flow, there’s an option for everybody. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you find the best tampons for beginners or what works for your unique body. Nua’s EaseFit Tampons come in a customisable pack, so you can try what works for you at different different points in your cycle!

Common Tampon Issues and How to Solve Them

Discomfort? If you can feel the tampon, it’s likely not inserted fully. Gently push it further in until it’s snug.

Leaking? You might need a higher absorbency, or to change your tampon more frequently.

Can’t remove it? Don’t panic—relax your muscles and gently tug on the string. If it still won’t budge, give yourself a little break and try again.

Lost the string? First, stay calm. Try squatting and bearing down slightly, as if you’re taking a poo. This can push the tampon lower so you can reach it with clean fingers. If it’s still out of reach, don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare provider for help.

Myths About Tampons

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about tampons, so let’s clear a few things up:

Myth: Tampons can get lost inside you. Nope! Your cervix blocks any chance of that.

Myth: Tampons will break your hymen. Using a tampon doesn’t affect your virginity. At all. More about that here.

Myth: You can’t pee with a tampon in. Yes, you absolutely can. Your urethra and vagina are different ‘holes’. You can even take a poo! Your tampon might shift when you bear down, but it can be adjusted after cleaning yourself.

Tampon Tips for Beginners 

Practice on a heavy flow day: Tampons are easier to insert when your flow is moderate to heavy.

Use a mirror: This can help you understand your anatomy better.

Take your time: Rushing will only make you tense, and tension makes insertion harder.

For anyone wondering how to use a tampon for the first time, patience is key. The best tampons for beginners are usually light or regular absorbency.

The Bottom Line

Switching from a pad and trying a menstrual tampon for the first time can feel daunting, but it’s a journey worth taking. Tampons can offer freedom, comfort, and a sense of ease that pads alone often can’t match. With a little practice and the right fit, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t make the switch sooner.

Got questions about how to use tampons or tips for first-time users? Don’t be shy. The more we talk openly about menstrual products, the more empowered we all become. Leave your concerns in the comments, and we’ll do our best to answer them!

Check out Nua’s EaseFit Tampons, perfect for beginners exploring tampons for the first time.
Use our discount code ‘EASE20’ to get 20% off your fist purchase!

Zoya Sham
19 posts

About author
Zoya is the Managing Editor of Nua's blog. As a journalist-turned-brand manager-turned-content writer, her relationship with words is always evolving. When she’s not staring at a blinking cursor on her computer, she’s worming her way into a book or scrolling through the ‘Watch Next’ section on her Netflix.
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