Menstrual Hygiene Day | Chat with an expert – Tips, hygiene, myths
MenstruationPeriods and PMS

Menstrual Hygiene Day | Chat with an expert – Tips, hygiene, myths

1 Mins read

Period is the beginning of a new phase of life. It is a 5-day journey that every woman goes through naturally, every single month. Yet, till today, menstrual hygiene remains a taboo, a commodity exchanged wrapped in newspapers, something to be ‘hush’ about, something that’s impure. A completely natural phenomena like menstruation is not openly discussed due to all these reasons. Thus, to stress on the importance of menstrual hygiene during periods, ‘Menstrual Hygiene Day’ came into existence.

It’s celebrated every year on 28th May. It’s only goal is to spread , highlight the importance of good menstrual hygiene worldwide, burst menstruation myths and tell facts.

Our Nua women shared some questions & doubts around menstruation for menstrual hygiene day. We were more than happy to receive them.

Here are a few questions shared for menstrual hygiene day:

We got in touch with an expert, Rishma Pai to answer these questions on the occasion of menstrual hygiene day. She addressed most of the queries as candidly as she could.

In this video, Gynecologist Rishma Rai discussed the basics of menstrual hygiene and much more. Tune in now!

“There’s no need to treat those days any differently than the rest of the month.” – quotes our Gynecologist Rishma Pai. All you have to do is make a note of all the expert suggestions shared by our Gynecologist in the video and put them to practice.

So Nua women, pledge today on Menstrual Hygiene Day to talk & discuss about menstrual hygiene. Chat with your friends, family and gynecologist because it’s only natural 🙂

Here are a few menstruation myths and facts also ways to maintain good vaginal hygiene.

Team Nua
186 posts

About author
Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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