Movies and pop culture often tend to focus on male pleasure, because of which, a 2014 study says that 56% of women feel that it is not normal to masturbate. The tendency to leave women out of the conversation of pleasure and sex is outdated today; a more recent study conducted in 2018 has revealed that more women have started masturbating -around 92%. This can only mean one thing – the idea that women do not masturbate is a myth and we need to bust it!

According to American neuroscientist Nicole Prause, people who masturbate reap many benefits. For starters, when you masturbate, your body releases endorphins (which take away any pain), oxytocin (which makes you happy), and serotonin (which reduces stress). This is why you feel more relaxed and at ease and often tend to sleep better after you masturbate!
Secondly, when women masturbate, their sex lives improve incredibly. They become more in tune with what they enjoy in the bedroom, which helps bring equality between partners during sex. That is why regaining control of the most intimate part of your life can help improve your confidence.
Finally, when you masturbate, it is solely for you. It is an intimate setting that is catered to all your needs. You are your most carefree self and you don’t have to share it with anyone else. There aren’t many other things that offer this level of intimacy so, with all due respect, go for it!
Through ‘Debunking Myths’, we acknowledge period myths and expose them with verified facts. Let’s debunk more period myths here.
Source: ABC Everyday, NY Magazine Survey 2018, TENGA 2018 Global Self-Pleasure Report