Our mothers were the first ones to tell us that taking care of ourselves should be our first priority. To eat properly, to rest when we feel the need to, to make sure that we clean ourselves (without missing a corner) – mothers made sure that we were taught everything.
And weren’t those the best tips we were ever given?
This Mother’s Day, we spoke to Preeti Joshi, a mother of two daughters. Preeti gave us some beautiful insights about her first memory with her daughters, giving them the understanding of better health. She also shared about her experience with us in the perimenopause phase and what she is learning from being this chapter of her life.
1. Please tell us a little about yourself
I can read anything. It doesn’t have to be a particular topic, I just like to read. I also like listening to songs and Bollywood music. I’m a foodie who likes to experiment with new dishes at home and sometimes I also enjoy street food, like pani puri! And I love kids! I am a teacher so I spend a lot of time with children. I enjoy my profession a lot.
2. How old are your daughters and what do they do?
I have two daughters. The older one is 22 and the younger one is 18. My younger daughter is in college pursuing B-Design and the elder daughter is running her own business. She is a baker.

3. Could you share your first moment with your daughters with us? What about that moment do you remember fondly?
The first moment I remember was when they were brought to me by the nurse and she kept them on my lap. The first time I held them in my arms was a very happy moment.
4. What are the most important factors that come to mind when you think about your daughters’ health?
I always make sure that they eat properly and have a balanced diet. Ever since their childhood, I have taught them to maintain good intimate hygiene. As a mother, it was important for me to make them aware about the environment they are living in. It was essential that they understood and called out bad touch from good touch, which I educated them about from an early age. Furthermore, I believe in raising them to be self confident, which also contributes towards good mental health.
5. Especially since your daughters are of menstrual age, has the importance of hygiene come up in conversations?
Over the years I have made sure to create a safe and open space for them so that they could share or question me about their menstrual and intimate hygiene without any hesitation. With respect to their intimate hygiene routine, they follow a pretty basic one. They are well equipped now and are aware of the essential products available. When it comes to pubic hair removal, they follow the regime they are most comfortable with, be it waxing or shaving.
6. What are the commonalities between what you do and what you’ve taught them to do? And what’s different?
When it comes to commonalities, overall cleanliness is one thing that bonds us together. During menstruation we make sure to change our undergarments 2-3 times a day. But there are also a few things that they developed on their own. My daughters follow a practice to sleep only in their pajamas, avoiding any undergarments. This is something I find new and different between us.

7. Now that you are experiencing perimenopause, do you feel any change?
I am experiencing many changes physically, mentally and emotionally. I am getting aware of how my body is rapidly changing and day-by-day, I am gaining weight. I also experience body pain more than before, and feel hot. Irrespective of the AC, I am continuously sweating and experiencing a lot of hot flashes. Sometimes, I find it difficult to relax and sleep peacefully, even to take a 10 minute power nap like I used to before. On some days I feel very sleepy while on others I hardly get any sleep. Mentally and emotionally, it’s been a roller-coaster. I have always been a calm and tolerant person but lately, I’ve been losing my patience easily and get irritated at the slightest inconvenience. Emotional imbalance is another aspect I am trying to make peace with.
8. Would you like to tell our readers something about motherhood and perimenopause? Maybe a thought!
This phase should also be viewed as a new start which should be celebrated. Motherhood is one of the most beautiful parts of life and a journey gifted by God. Menopause is like a new chapter of life with interesting and unfamiliar lessons which should be enjoyed.
- As shared with Nua