Drawing of a bulb with a graduation cap next to a basket with pills, a tampon and a pad in it, next to a clock, next to a pile of books with a paper plane in the air, representing the lessons women have learned from their period
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Life Lessons For Women, Taught By Periods: 5 Stories of Personal Growth

4 Mins read

Periods – they’re messy, inconvenient and for many of us, the ultimate test of patience. But beyond the cramps and cravings, they’re also profound teachers. Each cycle carries its own life lessons for women, revealing wisdom that’s tucked away in our bodies. What starts for most of us as an embarrassing experience in our teenage years, often evolves into a powerful symbol of resilience. As adults, across different lifestyles and life stages, periods shape how we navigate challenges, embrace change, and find our inner strength.

Here are stories from five incredible women who’ve discovered unexpected life lessons through their periods—lessons of personal growth that have shaped who they are today.

Lesson 1: Make Sure You Have Something To Ground You 

For Sanika Vaid, 29, Founder and CEO of SAVA Fitness and Nutrition, life is all about finding balance—especially when it feels like things are spinning out of control. “Any kind of movement is medicine. If you’re on your period and can’t give 100% to your workout, even a simple walk helps. It boosts blood flow, reduces cramps, and even lifts your mood.”

A poloroid picture of Sanika Vaid smiling at the camera with the text 'SANIKA VAID, 29, FOUNDER @SAVA FITNESS AND NUTRITION' underneath

For her, the real game-changer is routine. “This is something you go through for a week every month for decades of your life. What’s helped me is sticking to a routine. I focus on 10 things I need to do daily—whether for work, relationships, or myself—and I commit to them, no matter what. These small acts keep you grounded, even when things feel overwhelming.”

Sanika says this approach keeps her steady. “On the tough days, checking those boxes reminds me that everything isn’t falling apart. It’s grounding.” Her takeaway is simple: find something that steadies you, whether it’s movement, a routine, or another small, consistent habit. It’s those little things that keep life from feeling overwhelming.

Lesson 2: ‘Mind Over Matter’ Is Real

Disha Jhaveri, 31, an event planner, co-founder of Daily Senses, and a new mom, swears by the transformative power of mental strength. “Labour taught me how real ‘mind over matter’ is. It’s such a mental game—being mentally strong made all the difference. If you believe you can do it, you will.”

A poloroid selfie of Disha Jhaveri smiling at the camera with the text 'DISHA JHAVERI, 31,CO-FOUNDER @ DAILY SENSESAND A NEW MOM' underneath

This philosophy shows up in how she handles her period, too. “When I’m at home, bored, I feel the cramps so much more. But when I’m on my feet, busy with an event or a packed day, it’s easier to manage. Staying occupied helps me keep the discomfort at bay.”

Disha also emphasizes balance, “Of course, if there are genuine physical issues, you are going to be stressed and you need rest, but there are certain times that ‘mind over matter’ really helps.” 

Her insight is a reminder: sometimes, staying busy or shifting your mindset can help you tackle life’s challenges—big or small.

Lesson 3: Always Balance Determination with Compassion

Sanjana Chatlani, 32, founder of The Bombay Lettering Co., has a no-fuss approach to her period, shaped by the requirements of her work. “My work’s been so demanding that I never have the luxury to say, ‘I can’t do this today.’ People think being your own boss gives you flexibility, but actually, you can’t take a day off unless you’re seriously unwell. I just suck it up and keep going.”

A poloroid photograph of Sanjana Chatlani sitting on the arm of a hair in her studio smiling at the camera with the text 'SANJANA CHATLANI, 32,FOUNDER @ THE BOMBAY LETTERING CO' underneath

She brings the same no-fuss attitude to other parts of her life. “If I’m traveling, working, even working out on my period. I drink extra water, try to sleep better, and move on. That’s me—I’m a no-fuss person. Even if something upsets me, I give myself a day and move forward.”

But being an employer has added a new layer to her perspective. “I have an all-girls team, and I’ve realized that everyone’s period is so different. Just because mine is manageable doesn’t mean someone else’s is. When a team member tells me they’re in pain or uncomfortable, I try to be as flexible and understanding as possible.”

Sanjana’s journey shows the balance between pushing through challenges and cultivating empathy. Her lesson? Balancing the two creates space for both personal strength and meaningful connections with those around us.

Lesson 4: Find Strength in Discomfort

For Pooja Kumar, 33, co-founder of a mental health service called My Safe Place, and an avid trekker, periods are a lot like trekking. “Trekking is all about powering through discomfort—putting one foot in front of the other, pacing yourself, and knowing your limits. A poloroid photograph of Pooja Kumar sitting on a rock with a scenic sunrise in the background smiling at the camera with the text 'POOJA KUMAR, 33,CO-FOUNDER @ MY SAFE PLACE' underneathSome days are harder than others, but in the end, you witness something amazing. It’s the same with periods, or honestly, anything in life.”

Her perspective reminds us that discomfort isn’t something to avoid—it’s something to navigate. “You have to get comfortable with them—they’re going to show up every month. Instead of resisting, I’ve learned to understand my body, my moods, and the phases that come with it. It’s like becoming friends with it.”

This extends to all things in life – whether it’s a tough hike, a tricky phase, or a big life challenge, embracing the highs and lows helps us uncover our inner strength, and ultimately find happiness. 

Lesson 5: Always Look For A Silver Lining 

Umbu Aran, 47, who heads talent management at Aditya Birla Capital and has been a career woman for most of her adult life says she once viewed her period as a monthly burden. “I was always cursing it—focusing on inconvenience. I never stopped to think about the ways my hormones were actually helping me,” she admits.

A poloroid photo of Umbu Aran in a saree smiling at the camera with the text '-UMBU ARAN, 47,TALENT MANAGEMENT HEAD @ ADITYA BIRLA CAPITAL' underneath

Over time, she realized this negativity wasn’t just holding her back—it was blinding her to the beauty within. “There’s so much positivity to take away from it—your hormones boost your mood, your skin, even your energy during certain phases. I used to suppress those benefits because I couldn’t see past the inconvenience. Now I understand that the beauty of any woman comes from these hormones. Once I saw things differently, I realized the beauty and strength that I already had within me.”

Her story is a great reminder: the things we dismiss as inconvenient often hold hidden value. Whether it’s a challenging experience or a part of yourself you take for granted, there’s always a silver lining if you look for it.

Periods may not be anyone’s favourite time of the month, but they come with more life lessons for women than we give them credit for. From finding a routine to powering through discomfort, these women’s stories highlight how much we can learn from tuning in to what our bodies are telling us.

What connects these experiences is the thread of personal growth. Periods, for all their challenges, teach us to listen to our bodies, honour our needs, and find strength in life’s cycles. Across mountains, offices, gyms, nurseries, and homes, they remind us that every phase—however messy—is a chapter in our story.

Is there a life lesson that you’ve learned from your period? Tell us in the comments! Let’s share our stories of personal growth.

Zoya Sham
10 posts

About author
Zoya is the Managing Editor of Nua's blog. As a journalist-turned-brand manager-turned-content writer, her relationship with words is always evolving. When she’s not staring at a blinking cursor on her computer, she’s worming her way into a book or scrolling through the ‘Watch Next’ section on her Netflix.
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