5 mood twists you can expect during PMS
MenstruationPeriods and PMS

5 mood twists you can expect during PMS

2 Mins read

PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome is a common experience for women. We have all been there. Those sudden bouts of anger, the fits of laughter, or sometimes just feeling nothing at all – we have all felt it. 

In one of our previous articles, we have decoded what PMS actually means and what are the mood changes. Just to recap…

PMS is a collective of symptoms that can be both physical and mental. These symptoms usually appear one or two weeks before periods and are recurrent.

This means that most of us experience the swift changes in mood almost every month. 

As we spoke to our community members we discovered that most of us experience 5 common changes in our moods. They are…

1. Really, stop breathing! It’s annoying! 

The low levels of serotonin can really take its toll. It makes us want to set things on fire, snap at even a piece of furniture for simply existing, or grumble at tangled earphones.

Anything and everything can be a reason to complain. 

2. Chocolate, chips, pudding, pastry….and it goes on

Most of us are high on carbs or have a terrifying craving for carbs. The fridge seems to fit too less for our appetite and there is this uncontrollable want to eat more.

The changing levels of hormones makes us dig into mountains of chocolates and flatlands of pudding. 

3. There’s no such thing as Too Much Sleep!

Our sleep goes for a toss during PMS and it leaves us tired. We either don’t sleep throughout the night and try to compensate for it during the day. Or we sleep too much and still don’t feel rested enough.

It’s that strange feeling of being awake and asleep at the same time.

4. Tear drop at the drop of a hat

The mere thought of a puppy in a sweater can make us cry. Or maybe a kitten rolling off a pillow because the pillow is too big for it. Anything.

It takes only a second and a spec of a thought for that teardrop to roll down our eyes. 

5. Nah…not today!

Everything gets postponed to the next day…and the next…and the day after. But that day never seems to arrive. Due to some unknown fatigue we tend to not attend to things that need to be done. 

PMS can be twisty and for some of us it can bring the worst periods of the month.

There are, however, a number of ways to tackle it and we have created a list of things that you can do. Check them out here. You can also look at our PMS section where we discuss the various ways in which we can adapt to the multiple twists in mood. And sometimes PMS isn’t all bad! To know more read our article on Positive Menstrual Syndrome right here.

Barnana Sarkar
33 posts

About author
Barnana worked with Nua in 2020 and 2021. She likes to time herself while reading and spends most of her evenings walking around the city, clicking pictures. She loves to watch old movies and has a habit of cutting out newspaper articles "just for decoration".
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