Honey for PCOS
MenstruationPCOD and PCOS

Home remedies for controlling PCOS (Part-2)

2 Mins read

Home remedies and some mindful lifestyle changes come as a great help with the symptoms of PCOS. In our last blog post – Home Remedies for controlling PCOS (Part-1) we share such home remedies and we hope they helped you get some relief. 

As promised, we’ve brought you a few more home remedies for PCOS which are easy and readily available in your kitchen cabinets. Do have a look so that you never fall short of options. 

Also, make sure to consult a dietician before you try these out.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds help to stabilize the insulin level and glucose tolerance in the body and also regulates hormones which in turn helps in neutralizing the production of excessive testosterone.

 Fenugreek seeds for PCOS
In what way should it be consumed?

Soak 3 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and consume it the next day.

How much and how often should you consume it?

The mixture needs to be consumed on an empty stomach only and can be consumed thrice a day, every day.


PCOS disturbs the functioning of your hormones and causes weight gain. Replacing honey with sugar helps to keep your body away from fat and hence reduces the risk of future problems due to obesity.

In what way should it be consumed?

Mix one tablespoon of lime juice and two tablespoons of honey in a cup of warm water.

How much and how often should you consume it?

You can consume this mixture once or twice a day, every day.

Gooseberry (Amla)

Gooseberry has cholesterol reducing and anti-oxidising agents. Also, it has free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory effects which helps to restore the hormonal balance in the body.

Gooseberry (Amla) to restore the hormonal balance and help in PCOS

In what way should it be consumed?

Squeeze out ½ cup of amla juice in 1 cup of water.

How much and often should you consume it?

You can drink this mixture once a day, every day.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds help in treating PCOS as they are said to have anti-hirsutism properties and help decrease androgen (male hormones) levels.

 Fennel seeds help in treating PCOS. Read how.

In what way should it be consumed?

Soak the fennel seeds in water overnight, the morning add one more glass of water to it and boil the mixture for 5-6 minutes. After this, strain the water and consume it while it’s still warm.

How much and how often should you consume it?

You can consume this mixture every morning, on an empty stomach.


Cinnamon boosts one’s metabolism by burning the calories and also helps in insulin sensitivity as well as stabilizing blood sugar.

Cinnamon boosts one’s metabolism by burning the calories. Learn more.

In what way should it be consumed?

Mix one tablespoon of grounded cinnamon or one stick of cinnamon with water or even with your green tea.

How much and how often should you consume it?

You consume this mixture once to twice a day, every day.

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  1. What are the common PCOS symptoms?
  • Irregular periods, extremely heavy or light flow, weight gain, etc. (Refer blog)
  1. How does PCOS diagnosis work?
  • Usually begins with a pelvic exams followed by blood tests and ultrasound.
  1. What comes under PCOS treatment?
  • Depends upon individual concerns. Specific treatment might involve medication and lifestyle changes.
  1. What are the early signs of PCOS?
  • Irregular periods, weight gain, acne, headaches etc. (Refer blog)
Team Nua
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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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