The ultimate guide on how to wear pads
MenstruationPeriods and PMSPhysical HealthWellness

The ultimate guide on how to wear pads

2 Mins read

When you get your period for the first time, using a sanitary pad will be the first thing that comes to mind. As scary as it can seem to understand how to wear pads and learn the process properly, let us first understand why girls wear pads.

Why do girls wear pads when they get their period?

Pads are made of narrow pieces of material that stick to your underwear to protect it from any menstrual fluid. Today, the options for menstrual tools are endless. From tampons to menstrual cups and more – you can choose what you would like to use! For beginners, however, pads are considered easy and simpler to use than the rest.

How can I choose the right pad to wear?

When looking for the right pad, the most important factor should be its absorbency. At Nua, our pads are created to suit your flow, whether it’s light, medium, or heavy. Depending on how a pad absorbs menstrual fluid, its thickness comes into play as well. While thick pads are rumoured to be the best performers, thin ones can be just as absorbent and more comfortable to wear.

Does the shape of the pad matter?

Of course! Just as there are different types of pads, there are also different types of shapes. Night-time pads are longer at the back and are used to collect any leakage that could take place when you sleep. Regular pads with wings are more secure against your underwear while pads without wings work if you have no activity to carry out.

Does the position you sit in while wearing pads matter?

Some women change their pads when they need to use the toilet. In this case, you can sit on the toilet seat with your underwear around your knees or ankles. During desperate times, there is an option to stand and wear your pad. It could get a bit tricky but as long as you have your pad and underwear within reach, everything should be fine.

how to wear pads

Are there any practices to follow before and after wearing a pad?

Hygiene is very important, especially when it comes to menstruation. Always wash your hands before and after the application of a pad to make sure there are no lingering germs that could transfer to your vulva. If you’re unsure of the security of the pad to your underwear, carry out routine checks to make sure you have no staining or leakage. It never hurts to carry an extra pad around, just in case you or a friend might need one. 

Noting all these concerns in mind, we’ve upgraded our sanitary pads to make sure all your menstrual needs are met. Take a look at our new and improved Nua Sanitary Pads, co-created by you for a smooth and easy period.

Team Nua
186 posts

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Team Nua is a group of women searching for the right answers to create content you can trust. Everything we do is thought around you :)
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