5 reasons why you should use Nua’s Cramp Comfort

5 reasons why you should use Nua’s Cramp Comfort

2 Mins read

The one thing that we women can always trust is the relationship between period cramps and heat. While all of us have unique experiences with period cramps, we have all at some point turned towards heat therapy to ease out the cramps. That is where our inspiration for our heat patch began. 

While we have all grown up with the good old practice of using a hot water bag, we thought of upgrading that idea to Cramp Comfort.  

What is Cramp Comfort? (Pst, just to recap!)

After several conversations with our community members and consulting experts, we responded to period pain with Cramp Comfort, a self-heating patch that can keep you warm for 8 hours. Click here to find out more about Cramp Comfort

Why should you use Nua’s Cramp Comfort?

We did ask ourselves how we can get some relief from period pain. We wanted to do so without compromising your comfort and everything that you want to do. Well, the answer was quite clear to us and we want to share it with you. 

It might after all be time to upgrade the hot water bag and if you want to find out why, read on.

One of the main reasons to use Cramp Comfort is that it gives relief from period pain.

There are also 5 more reasons why you should try out Nua’s Cramp Comfort:

  1. Air-activated, lasts for 8 hours:  Using a hot water bag means that you have to manually add hot water to it. Cramp Comfort releases heat on its own. This means that you don’t have to move around, when in pain. Just peel off the sticker and put it in your underwear (remember to put the sticky side on your underwear). The heat patch does the rest of the stuff on its own. 

    (Want to know how it does that? Read here to find out.)

  1. Portable: As you stick Cramp Comfort against your underwear, you are free to do whatever you want to do. Maybe make a hot bowl of soup, or finish that presentation, or simply relax in bed and watch something that you like. Without worrying about carrying something bulky, you can move around comfortably if you want to.
  2. Effective and natural ingredients: Our experts made sure that we chose the right kind of ingredients for the product. Made from 100% natural ingredients, such as iron, vermiculite (clay), activated carbon, salt, and water absorber, the heat patch warms up to 45-50 degree celsius. It keeps your body warm for 8 hours, relieving you from the pain. 
  3. Sustainable disposal: Once the patch cools down, you can cut it open and dispose of the ingredients with wet waste or kitchen waste, and the outer cover can be thrown with the dry waste. There is, however, another option. You can mix the ingredients in 5-10 litres of water (per patch) and use them as fertilisers for your potted plants. 

Find out more about the sustainability of disposal methods right here

  1. Multiple uses: Applying heat is always the best natural way to relax your muscles. While Cramp Comfort does relieve you from period pain, it can also be helpful in relaxing other muscle cramps. We asked some of our Nua women how they used Cramp Comfort and they told us that it gave them relief from neck pain, backaches, and lower back pain.* 

A little warmth goes a long way during periods

Nua’s Cramp Comfort is designed for easy functionality and to increase productivity even on the days when the cramps can really put you down. The heat patch provides sufficient comfort to get you through the day. So, get your Cramp Comfort here and enjoy up to 8 hours of relief from period pain.

*(Just a reminder, do not apply it directly on your skin while using it for other purposes.)

Barnana Sarkar
33 posts

About author
Barnana worked with Nua in 2020 and 2021. She likes to time herself while reading and spends most of her evenings walking around the city, clicking pictures. She loves to watch old movies and has a habit of cutting out newspaper articles "just for decoration".
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